Breaking News

rblfmr /

Beer Distributors Don’t Think They Can Ever Recover from Dylan Mulvaney Disaster

Beer distributors for Anheuser-Busch say they’re coming to grips with the fact that they’ve lost a ton of money due to normal people boycotting...
Feng Yu /

Escaped WNY Murder Suspect Still on the Loose and Leaving Police Breadcrumbs

With a simple photo of a stash that was camouflaged, the Pennsylvania State Police told the public that they believe they are hot on...
djile /

Science! Attractive Women Proven to be More Conservative; Left-Wing Women… Not so Much

Remember back during the pandemic when people like Anthony Fauci were telling us to “follow the science?” Oddly enough, all the leftwing partisan hacks...
Ron Adar /

Ben & Jerry’s is the Next Bud Light, Apparently

Bud Light thought that they could decorate their beer bottles with rainbows and have a transgender spokesperson promote their watered-down goods. The people spoke...
Vadim Lukin /

How EVs Produce Twice as Many Potholes Than Gas Cars

For all the political left’s squawking about the environment and climate change, they sure don’t seem to be doing a hell of a lot...
zimmytws /

Let’s Check and See How Many Women Died in the Year Since Roe v....

One year ago, the media and Democrat Party breathlessly assured us that the US Supreme Court had just preemptively murdered untold numbers of women. Why...
Brazhyk /

MSM’s Slavery Investigation Backfires

If the political left is to be believed, former President Donald Trump is the most racist man to ever walk the face of the...
Willrow Hood /

Watch: Someone Thought it Would Be a Good Idea to Slap a Flamethrower on...

Is Congress ever going to step in and regulate the growing and terrifying industry of robot combat dogs powered by artificial intelligence? As if...
stock_photo_world /

Climate Kook John Kerry Slapped with Ethics Complaint for Lying about Global Warming

Joe Biden’s chief climate kook John Kerry has been telling a lie about the weather that is so outrageous that he’s now been B-slapped...
Rokas Tenys /

Pro Vaccine Doc Peter Hotez Challenged by Rogan on Podcast

Joe Rogan has been outspoken about the potential harm of the COVID vaccines since the very beginning. Research was rushed. We have no idea...