Kamala’s Sudden Border U-Turn: Can We Really Trust Her Now?


The immigration crisis has officially bulldozed its way to the top of the list of concerns for American voters in the 2024 presidential election, trailing just behind the economy. Abortion, healthcare, racial inequality, climate change? Meh, who cares? Apparently, not enough people to make a dent in the polls.

Any candidate with a sliver of ambition to win in 2024 is going to have to deal with the Biden Administration’s open-border mess. Conveniently, Democrats have “just” realized the border’s a problem right before the election. You know, the same people who let this issue fester now want you to trust them to magically fix it.

Kamala Harris, fresh from her extended hiatus from doing anything useful, has finally chimed in: “As your president, I will protect our nation’s sovereignty, secure our border, and work to fix our broken system of immigration.”

Nice one, Kamala. Partner with both parties to fix the very disaster you helped create.

Not long ago, Democrats were happily pretending the border was secure. Anyone who dared suggest otherwise was called a “racist.” In 2021, Harris was all-in on the spin, claiming the border was secure, but the immigration system was broken (and, of course, blaming Trump for that). Spoiler: the border was not secure. Illegal crossings spiked in 2021, and thanks to the genius policies of Biden and Harris, ICE was forced to release 435,000 convicted criminals into the U.S., including over 13,000 murderers. Yes, murderers.

Oh, and just to remind you, Harris was actually put in charge of solving the border crisis by Biden himself. What did she do with that responsibility? Absolutely nothing. She avoided the border for months, choosing instead to take taxpayer-funded trips to Central America to hand out cash and “ask nicely” that people stop migrating.

When faced with the mess they created, Democrats proposed a “solution” that capped illegal entries at 1.5 million people a year. Generous, right? These migrants would get a lovely “asylum review,” after which they could stay indefinitely while waiting in the clogged-up court system that already had a backlog of 3 million cases. In exchange, Republicans were supposed to agree to give millions of migrants already in the U.S. an easy path to citizenship. No wall, no deportations, no end to welfare freebies that lure people in the first place—just a nice boost to the Democrat voter base. Because nothing says “border security” like a brand-new batch of voters from socialist regimes.

When Trump and Republicans understandably called B.S. on this, Democrats accused them of wanting to use the crisis as an election issue. Cute. Trump, on the other hand, proved you don’t need new laws—just some common sense. He created the lowest rate of illegal crossings in decades without building the infamous wall. How? By removing the incentives that make migrants flock to the U.S. in the first place.

Title 42, originally a health measure during the pandemic, worked like a charm. Along with Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, it meant migrants were sent packing as soon as they tried to cross the border, with no time to whip out asylum claims. Simple, effective, and no more coddling.

Now, the progressive approach to immigration is basically, “Come on in, tell us you’re from a dangerous country, and stay for years while we ‘review’ your case.” Meanwhile, these migrants milk welfare programs, and some states even offer them home loans. So, by the time they’re finally deported (if ever), they’ve already bled the system dry.

Democrats, predictably, love this system. Why? Because they hope to eventually give these people citizenship in exchange for loyalty at the ballot box. Fact-checkers insist the numbers aren’t as bad as they seem, claiming that border “encounters” don’t equal actual entries. But Biden’s policies let the majority of migrants in any way, so it’s all a moot point.

And let’s not forget Biden’s backdoor amnesty for migrants from countries like Venezuela and Haiti, which explains why so many new faces are popping up in small towns across America. Harris can now pretend to care, but her so-called “new” policies look suspiciously like the ones Americans have already rejected.

At the end of the day, Democrats are just trying to rebrand Trump’s policies to fix a problem they refuse to actually fix. And as for Harris? Don’t hold your breath. If we’re being real, Harris is more focused on turning illegal migrants into a loyal voting base than actually doing anything about the border. It’s not that hard to fix the issue—just deport those here illegally and stop treating citizenship like a prize in some political game.