Peter Doocy Makes Triumphant Comeback

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If you haven’t noticed, Fox News’ Peter Doocy has been absent from the White House briefing room due to taking paternity leave for the birth of his daughter. Monday was his first day back. And boy, oh boy, did he make a comeback…

As you know, Doocy is one of the few White House correspondents from any news outlet that asks real questions and ones that aren’t always easy for White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

And Monday, with his return to work, he also returned to commitment to find truth, even though Jean-Pierre wasn’t thrilled about it.

As usual, the White House transcript shows things getting off to a calm start. Hell, there was even some light-hearted joking going on between Jean-Pierre and Doocy when she first called on him, asking how the “baby Karine” was and that “maybe I didn’t miss you.”

But, of course, any smile Jean-Pierre had plastered to her face at the beginning was soon replaced with a look of disdain as Doocy got to work.

Her first clue was when he asked about the recommended limit of beer consumption. She convincingly said she knew nothing about it, which is likely true.

Then he asked about something she has to know about: who and how is the Secret Service getting paid/or paying to protect Hunter Biden in his Malibu residence?

Again, Jean-Pierre feigned ignorance, claiming that was a question for the Secret Service.

Doocy then talked about Hunter’s art sales, asking how the White House could “guarantee people are not going to be buying this art to gain favor with the president.” After all, this wouldn’t be the first time Hunter sold access to his family’s power.

Doocy pointed this out while persisting with the questioning. And to all three times the question was rephrased and asked, Jean-Pierre refused to answer. Once she referred the reporter to “Hunter Biden and his representatives,” the other two times, she flat out refused to even “get into it from here.”

How much you want to bet Jean-Pierre didn’t miss Doocy or his tough questioning one bit…