Introducing the National Prayer in School Act

Andrey Zhar /
Andrey Zhar /

Over the last few decades, we’ve seen an increasing fall from grace among our youth and younger generations. Thankfully, at least one lawmaker has a plan to reverse that.

It’s called the National Prayer in School Act.

As its name implies, the legislation would be once again making prayer in school legal, giving each and every student time during their school day to pray (to whatever God they want) if they want to.

Introduced by Republican and Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, the proposed law is designed to once again give students religious freedoms in schools, a place that has pretty much banned any talk of religion since 1962, when prayer in school was officially banned.

It’s noted that this comes after the 2022 Supreme Court ruled that prayer should, in fact, be allowed in and on school property. A coach was fired in Washington state for continually praying at the 50-yard line after each and every game. SCOTUS decided that the school district violated his First Amendment rights to religious freedom by firing him for such.

As Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote, “The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike.”

Following this line of thinking and values, Gaetz wants to reintroduce prayer to schools, knowing that doing so could drastically change the outcome of our youth and this country.

In a statement reported by the Washington Examiner, he said, “My legislation unlocks religious freedom once again so that in every classroom in America, there will be time for students to pray if they choose.”

He noted that for decades our country has “forbid students and faculty from praying while endlessly promoting degenerate LGBT and anti-White propaganda.” It’s time we change that.

Hell, even Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams agrees that God, the Church, and prayer should be and is a vital part of our country and the future generations.

In fact, according to Adams, we are “destroying our next generation” by denying them faith and belief.

And he’s so right.

Let’s tell our Congress members how important prayer is in schools.